Tuesday, April 30, 2013

You Need A Great Team

Growing up, I never particularly participated in, nor followed sports. As a result, I don't know much about Vince Lombardi, other than surface knowledge of his coaching the Green Bay Packers (among other teams) in the 1950's and 60's. However, being a red-blooded American, I certainly grew up with exposure to his influence as a motivational speaker. As is relevant to this post, a quote applies:

"Individual commitment to a group effort - that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work."

To that end, in a crowded McDonald's dining room yesterday, my business partner and I formally integrated another member into our company. Our new team-mate has vast experience in the field of construction, and possesses a personal set of values, enthusiasm, and skill-set which truly compliments our purpose. Our fledgling company is one step closer to turning our Spaces products into a reality.

We've also made headway with our GoFundMe project page; whose sole purpose is to give a boost in areas we're trying to get a foot hold. Specifically, a custom subwoofer line. While I'm fully aware that we are first and foremost a "cool room" company, our Spaces are expensive to produce as a launch platform! However, our Spaces are designed to be outfitted with accessories and products germane to the purpose of the room- but those products aren't limited to our Spaces.

Therefore, if we can begin to vend quality AV products, and offer services to those who may not necessarily want or need a dedicated room, it's essentially a seed which can ultimately grow the company into fruition, which matches the vision that I see in my mind's eye.

A special thanks to those who support our dream!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Wow, just... Wow.

I can't believe it's been an entire year since my last post. After re-reading a few of my last entries, I'd hoped to sit down and tell you about all of the wonderful things we've been up to these past 365 days. It certainly has been busy, if not amazing. Let me explain:

When one sets out to start a company, they begin with a concept which represents a product (or service) which will, when fully matured, offer value to society. Surely the byproduct of earning a living from the venture is a factor, but the passion that makes the idea stick comes from the persistent thought of contributing something to the world. It's this drive that's helped us organize, file, apply, and register. It's helped to navigate each mind-numbing, potentially negative business scenario in the Operating Agreement. It's all of the boring stuff, which causes fatigue, and makes my eyes glaze over. If we just continue to walk through the discipline, eventually we'll get there.

So, what have we done in the past year? In short:
  • Created a legal entity, Synergy Spaces, LLC
  • Demolished, transported, and rebuilt a prototype structure (which is slowly being transformed into a Theater space)
  • Worked through 9 different variations of the turnkey Theater space design (still finalizing the final product)
  • Began planning additional space designs
  • Acquired some entry-level equipment for the Theater space prototype, as well as a couple of pieces of test equipment
  • Made a few key industry veteran contacts, which will eventually prove beneficial
  • Established dealer and wholesale relationships with Acoustimac, and Parts Express for sound absorption, dampening, and AV-related products
  • Defined a branding style, and acquired 'badges' to be used on some of our upcoming products
  • Renewed the business for 2013, and filed our very first Tax return
  • Established a relationship with a contractor, and are in process of bringing him on board
As you can see, there hasn't been anything big, or flashy that's come about. However, when you add up the little things, it's apparent we're moving forward.

Good Night,